Eliza Cheyney Art at Evie Salon•Studio
We would love to invite you to our September art event at Evie. Mark your calendars!
The opening reception for paintings by Eliza Cheyney is Saturday September 12th from 6pm-8:30pm
Please join us for art, food and refreshments.
You can RSVP and get your free tickets at http://evie-elizacheyney-art.eventbrite.com
Be sure to check out more of Eliza's work on her website http://ercheyney.com/
and https://www.facebook.com/ercheyney
Eliza Cheyney is a local artist who works on a large scale, using an oil paint based medium.
Cheyney utilizes this medium and her interests in culture, nationality and personality to explore the idea of the individual through portraiture.